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Showing posts with the label Goal Setting

Goal Setting - How to Stay Motivated

Do you remember the New Year's Resolution you set in January? If you're like most, you may remember what it was but have probably "abandoned" it with some intent of focusing on the goal later. The problem is that we set goals that are too big or too broad or we try to set too many goals at once. Effective goal setting is starting with small goals and building on them. If the goals you set are not achievable or realistic, you will begin to feel discouraged and ultimately give up on them. For the past 2 years, I've been working on one goal, health and fitness. Now, I know that sounds broad but I started with small goals and built upon them. I started by working out 5 days a week, once I mastered that, I went on to the next piece. For me, that was clean eating. I ate what I perceived to be "healthy" before but really wanted to take it to the next level. Once that became a habit for me, I started working on other aspects, I created my Facebook page, star